Psychoanalysts' Practice Rooms

Find a Lacanian psychoanalyst to suit you

Psychoanalysts are available in several locations across London.

Analysts associated with Psychoanalysis London are experienced practitioners, working in the Lacanian orientation and actively engaged in ongoing research and vocational development. Each is committed to working with the questions posed by people facing disruptions thrown up by, as Freud termed it, ‘the psychopathology of everyday life’.

Some questions are old; questions, about love, desire, satisfaction, relationships, families, traumas, inhibitions, addictions, disorientations. The array of symptoms giving form to the discontents of civilisation associated with but not explained by contemporary diagnostic labels such as ‘anxiety’ and ‘depression’ are timeless.

Other questions are new, taking the form of concerns posed by extensive and rapid changes in technology, migrant peoples finding their place in transient communities, as well as navigating expanding awareness of wider possibilities but not knowing where to begin or how to respond.

Some questions may seem newer as they hit the headlines more consistently now, not least the age-old enigmatic nature of anatomical sex and gender identity. The question of what it means to each human being to be a ‘man’ or a ‘woman’ exceeds what can be defined in terms of anatomical sex. It is probably more accurate to say that each sentient being has its own constellation of meanings associated with both their own and others’ anatomical sex.

Today’s controversies and adversities taken up with psychoanalysis allow us to revisit these tender questions, offering us the opportunity to extend our ability to think outside the box, when the box (current thinking) is not enabling us to find solutions in conformity with our desire. 

To find an analyst in a location that suits you, simply use the below list or click the icons on the map to display location details and contact telephone numbers. If you require an immediate appointment, you can contact us on the above number, or use our main contact form which can be found here.

Psychoanalysis London Practice Rooms

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  • All information you provide to us is held internally and depending on who you wish to contact, select Lacanian Psychoanalysts.

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Email: Use this form

Phone: 0207 799 1489

Last updated (24th May 2018)